Art Cage

S premišljeno uporabo vizualnih pojmov in podob načrtujemo 
najrazličnejša avdiovizualna sporočila.

Dobro oblikovana sporočila nas usmerjajo, nagovarjajo in motivirajo, lahko pa nas s svojo lepoto in domiselnostjo razveseljujejo in poživijo ter pripravijo k razmišljanju.Delo oblikovanja vizualnih sporočil je ustvarjalno in odgovorno delo, kot žlahtna simbioza med intelektualnim in praktičnim, zato na to področje sporazumevanja vpeljujem smiselni red, sporočanje kultivira, informacije pa so zato lahko krajše in učinkovitejše.


To help visualize social distancing guidelines, residents in Singapore are using tape to demarcate many outdoor common areas and shopping centers.


Lima-based graphic designer and illustrator Jose Arias has created a wacky cast of typographic monsters ready to cuddle you in their serifs and ascenders—Monsters Inc. meets the alphabet.

A photographer has released a captivating collection of images combining elements of both landscape and fashion, as she photographs models wearing extravagant dresses atop the deepest lake in the world, located in southern Siberia, Russia, which remains frozen for most of the year.

In a collection of street photos, one Russian photographer has documented his local city in a cinematic, surreal manner.

Birthday presents, apparel decoration, hair-do accessories: this is what comes to mind when most people think of ribbons. But for Japanese duo Baku Maeda and Toru Yoshikawa of Ribbonesia, the ubiquitous material is fodder for multi-part sculptures.

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